Islamic Beliefs and Teachings that Every Muslim should Accept and Follow

The religion of Islam offers a complete code of law and guidance. Anyone can convert to Islam by his/her own discretion, without the need for any ceremony, any sermonizer involvement or any other thing. Also, there is no concept of “original sin” since everyone is born innocent, until someone commits a sin on their own will. Muslims should follow their faith with understanding and reasoning, not blindly. The Five Pillars of Islam: Declaration of Faith (Kalimah Shahadah), Prayer (a means to communicate with Allah and get close to Him) - the five daily prayers of salaat are Morning (Fajr), Midday (Zuhr), Afternoon (Asr), Sunset (Maghrib) and Nighttime (Isha), Fasting during Ramadan (Saum) (through which a Muslim can purify himself spiritually and physically, elevate his soul and obtain nearness to Allah), Tax on Wealth ((Zakaat)- which can more appropriately be called the purification of wealth, and Pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca. Fundamental Beliefs in Islam...