Things You Do When you Learn Quran

As you make up your mind and learn the Quran, you keep exploring some of the most essential and basic aspects of life. It is indeed a wonderful pursuit which helps you unravel who you truly are underneath your mortal frame. So, let's say that the post here is a directive to what you do and what you acquire while trying to understand the enigma embedded in the pages of the holy book, Quran. You understand God's creation plans When you meditate and Learn Quran , you slowly start having a sense of the composition scheme of God. You start feeling unified with a noble cause. The reading of this holy book creates some sort of a profound faith in the creative plans of the holy divine being. An emphatic reading of the book will let you know more about the specific objectives of the divine being behind the creation of this beautiful Earth. The book will let you know that man has actually an eternal lifespan. Life-force continues before the birth of man and even after th...